

Columbo is iconic for many reasons though I feel he exudes the qualities of a great product manager.

“One more thing…” – Columbo

Columbo always had another question to ask as trivial as it seemed to the interviewee.

Product managers are very similar where their hunt for knowledge is never-ending.

His job was to investigate what happened with limited information and had a ‘dead’ line to work to produce the proper results.

Product managers sweat the details to get the right results and meet deadlines as well; though less fatal.

“I worry. I mean, little things bother me. I’m a worrier. I mean, little insignificant details – I lose my appetite. I can’t eat. My wife, she says to me, ‘you know, you can really be a pain.’ ”  – Columbo

As a lifetime learner for many things considered, I believe hard work is the best way to success for product managers.

There’s always something to do for your success; whether it is finish that project on time, save money, generate revenue, or keeping up with the latest advancements.

“There are a couple of loose ends I’d like to tie up. Nothing important you understand.” – Columbo

He knew he had the answer even when people questioned his methods and was self-humbling when it came to that subject.

“My wife says I’m the second smartest. She claims there are 80 guys tied for first.” – Columbo 

Product managers must also be convicted in what they are trying to accomplish and accept constructive criticism.

Columbo was self-aware to know his limits. As a product manager, you wear many hats and must rely on other’s expertise to get the job done.

“I can’t swim, I don’t even like a deep tub.” – Columbo

“My ears pop in an elevator. As a matter of fact I don’t even like being this tall.” – Columbo

Columbo always finished the job. As a product manager, there is no choice but to finish the job.

I realize Columbo was a TV show yet it was an innovative format to see what happened and watch the process unfold.

Product managers are satisfied when the project all comes together for the proper results.

Columbo worked late since figuring things out takes more than 8 hours a day/5 days a week as product managers know all too well.

Dr. Flemming – “They expect me to be on call at all hours.”

Columbo – “Same with me, Doctor.”

He could take a small event and extrapolate the possibilities of the hunt much as product managers handle any product, project, or problem.

Mr. Gerard – “When did you first suspect me?”

Columbo – “As it happens, sir… about two minutes after I met you.”

Mr. Gerard – “That can’t be possible.”

Columbo – “Oh, you made it perfectly clear, sir, the very first night when you decided to come to the restaurant directly after you were informed that Vittorio was poisoned.”

Mr. Gerard – “I was instructed to come here by the police.”

Columbo – “And you came, sir.”

Mr. Gerard – “Yes.”

Columbo – “After eating dinner with a man that had been poisoned. You didn’t go to a doctor. You came because the police instructed you. You didn’t go to a hospital. You didn’t even ask to have your stomach pumped. Mr. Gerard, that’s the damnedest example of good citizenship I’ve ever seen.”

Columbo also had a sarcastic sense of humor. You need humor to get through as a product manager though must be appropriately timed.

If you can realize your goals early and pursue your dreams they can occur against many odds. You need skills to get there and hard work pays off. No one is perfect.

“You know, sir, it’s a funny thing. All my life I kept running into smart people. I don’t just mean smart like you and the people in this house. You know what I mean. In school, there were lots of smarter kids. And when I first joined the force, sir, they had some very clever people there. And I could tell right away that it wasn’t gonna be easy making detective as long as they were around. But I figured, if I worked harder than they did, put in more time, read the books, kept my eyes open, maybe I could make it happen. And I did. And I really love my work, sir.” – Columbo

As a product manager you love your job and get to work with the best and brightest. Socializing and working with people is very important in this completely connected society. You can be a great product manager and get to the point though you do need soft skills which sometimes Columbo lacked.

“I’m always getting you angry, must be the accent or something.”  – Columbo

Yes, Columbo and Product Managers have many things in common with the few differences being just fine for me.

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